This is very detrimental to the success of the YES campaign, as Scots who will not vote yes in 2014, could of very well otherwise been swayed by learning about the truth about their own economy.
As you know, it is money which is at the back of everyone's minds when they make decisions about their future, and perhaps the biggest question which is on everyone's minds concerning the independence debate is, will we have enough money to survive?
Despite what rhetoric and scaremongering we are told on a daily basis by Westminster and the London-centric British media, the Scottish economy is actually thriving as we speak and we could do far more without the current economic constraints imposed by Westminster which we live under day by day.
I was just wondering if any Nat's who are interested in the economic side of the debate like I am, would like to collaborate to produce a report on the Scottish economy. Detailing such aspects as; how we are doing now, and what we could do with independence.
I have already made a 3000 word report for the monthly independence newsletter which will be coming out in June, but I think if we all pull together we could produce something which would shoot down any unionist economic scaremongering on sight. And hey, you never know it might get somewhere.
Reply on this post of email me at: , if you're interested.

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