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Monday, 28 May 2012

BBC bias demonstration - Pacific Quay, Glasgow.

For those of you who of not know, and that may be quite a few due to the media blackout, there was a BBC bias demonstration on Saturday. The purpose of the demonstration was to highlight the blatant, but subtlety done, anti - independence bias which gets thrown out by the BBC on a daily basis. I for one, attended the demonstration. And although there was not it was only a small first time event, it surely shows that the people of Scotland are starting to take notice of the bias at the BBC, and are no longer willing to tolerate it.

You might think this is a rather odd claim that the BBC are politically partisan. After all, they are publicly funded (£3 billion from us a year) and are always championing their impartiality. That sadly however, is not the case. For however great the BBC's shows and documentaries are (especially Sherlock), their news coverage is not as fair as it always claims to be.

The part of the BBC news reporting that is usually seen to be most prevalently biased is the slanted coverage often given by their reporters and presenters, were looking at you Paxman. usually whenever an interview comes up with a pro independence supporter comes up, the BBC almost always wheels out their. presenters who are most famously anti-independence.

Now, I do not need to go into every instance about BBC bias, you can check that out on this brilliant website here:

Picture of the demonstration I took. 
Without going on too much a rant about the BBC (believe me I could), I would just like to encourage every Scot to attend these demonstrations, as it sends a strong message to the BBC that, we the people who fund their existence, will no longer tolerate bias coverage on our nations issues.

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