Let's take a look at what the cost of £1 a year for independence will be shall we? First of all, that is £1 a year for the removal of trident, a written constitution that would ensure a home for everyone in Scotland, 100% reliance on renewable's by 2020, a government we elect, policies made to benefit Scotland not London, an end to a corrupt banking sector controlling our economy, a more equitable country, an economic asset worth 10 times more than our share of the UK national debt, an end to politics being controlled by the upper classes of society, a more diversified economy, an oil fund ensuring welfare for all generations ,and a chance to represent ourselves 100% on a global scale. All that for £1 a year? Now, I don't know about you, but I'm a sucker for a bargain.
It is clear to me now that the No camp are really scarping the bottom of their already worn-out barrel. Scottish independence is fast becoming the only option to end the plague of corporate-controlled politics poisoning our country today. As the referendum draws closer, it will become apparent to the Scottish population that independence is not an end, it is a means to decide what country we want to be. Do we want to live in a a country where the most wealthy in society control politics? Do we want to live in a country where bankers who have ruined this country keep getting wealthier through recessions, all the while the poor are being demonized by the government? I think it is time to say no to these outrageous practices in our society.

Scotland, with independence, has the chance to show the world that there is a different path to prosperity, than the one offered by the current UK government. We will have the chance to work alongside our European neighbors, to work for the interests of our people. If you were to look at the most prosperous countries in the world, they are all small European countries in Scandinavia, and countries such as Iceland, and Ireland. What do they have that we do not currently? Full control over their economic resources, full representation on a global scale, and policies that are made to benefit the people of their country.
All of the above listed countries have pursued an equitable, social-democratic path, that ensures that everyone in their country has public services that work for the benefit of the people they serve, not shareholders, and a welfare system that ensures no one will fall into destitution and will not be demonized for being less-fortunate than the top 100 of society that made enough money in 2012 to end world-poverty 4 times over. It is time to choose a different path, all you have to do is vote Yes in 2014.
ReplyDeleteI was talking to a No/Don't Know colleague the other day. He mentioned the usual line of "Independence is just for romantics/We would be economically ruined if its a Yes Vote".
Over and above all the positive arguments for Independence which you highlight in your post, The Danny Alexander/Treasury "£1 poorer" figure is a gift to anyone needing UK Government backing for a Yes vote :)
Haha, exactly, they really must be feeling embarrassed. The very government they are trying to preserve are undermining their case. Such as the UK government releasing official figures recently which shows the jobs lost from the removal of Trident would be far less than the No camp's estimates.
DeleteWe're getting there!