Recently there has been controversy surrounding the rather extraordinary claim made by a UK government report that states Scotland would not carry on any of the UK's current obligations and treaties, as Scotland was "extinguished" as a country following the formation of the union in 1707. The exact wording used by the report on page 75 states that:
"For the purpose of this advice, it is not necessary to decide between these two views of the union of 1707. Whether or not England was also extinguished by the union, Scotland certainly was extinguished as a matter of international law, by merger either into an enlarged and renamed England or into an entirely new state".
This may seem baffling for a lot of Scots, as we already all know that the UK is a union of nations, not regions, and certainly not an enlarged England. Isn't that why Scotland has its own legal, health, educational sectors and its own parliament after all, as it is a nation? Well, according to Westminster it is not, which certainly reveals a lot about the current attitude Scotland is receiving from Westminster.
The report, as always, is a clear attempt by guffawing Westminster peers to ramp up the scaremongering surrounding Scotland's constitutional future; to make Scots scared that their country is the only nation in the world that cannot become independent. This time by insinuating that Scotland is so entangled within Britain that it cannot possibly be independent without spending millennium renegotiating thousands of international treaties. With some quislings stating that up to 14'000 treaties would have to be completely reworked from scratch.
As always, however these claims have been falsified and found to be nothing but shallow scaremongering. The claim that Scotland would not carry on any of the UK's current obligations, by definition, means that Scotland would not have to shoulder any of the UK's current debt obligations. So that would actually work in Scotland's favour, cheers Westminster! No two countries on Earth would want to go through the situation which Westminster is proposing; as for the rUK that would entail reworking thousands of treaties to exclude Scotland.
This rigmarole brings to light a very important point in the independence referendum. To many at Westminster, Scotland is still considered to be a region; subservient and nonexistent. With independence, this condescending attitude handed to us by a government we did not elect would stop. We would be a nation again, having all the means necessary to run our own affairs to work for the citizens of our nation, and to elect government we actually want; not to be swamped out by millions of votes south of the border.
The dire nature of Scotland's current position within the United Kingdom can be effectively exemplified by referring to the vote by Scottish MP's on whether or not the Coalition should have went ahead with benefit cuts. A total of 81% of Scottish MP's in Westminster voted against the damaging cuts going through, and what happened? Yup, we still received the damaging cuts.
Unsurprisingly, Scotland's only Tory MP was interviewed by Scotland Tonight and was asked whether or not he felt comfortable with the claim that Scotland was basically no longer a country; he unequivocally replied "Yes". It truly is a sad state of affairs when a democratically elected representative of a country is happy saying that his country does not exist and is subservient to a government which it did not elect. This fully brings to light the damaging relationship some Scottish MP's have with Westminster; fully willing to go against their nations interests and natural state as an independent nature to please the party their country did not elect, and has consistently voted against.
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