It is a saddening state of affairs when the independence movement is automatically assumed to be a sole SNP movement, and that everything to do with Scottish independence is to do with the SNP. The march for Scottish independence on the 22nd of September 2012 however, forever destroyed this claim. For anyone who attended the event, or indeed seen videos or photos of the event, will have seen that the independence campaign is a vast cross-party, cross-social and cross-ideological campaign that stretches far beyond the role of the SNP.

Attending the march myself I saw a myriad of different groups showing their support for the campaign, this ranged from the Scottish Socialist Party, Solidarity, Scottish Greens, LGBT, SMNT (Scottish Militant Ninja Turtles), Pensioners, Youth and Students, Women, Christians, Trade Unionists, Labour, International campaigners, SNP and those marching just out of pure principle (I also saw 'Shinty players for independence'...). The breadth and variety of the groups taking part is the main signal from the march, it is a campaign based purely out of principle not politics.
The cohesion and solidarity demonstrated by all groups at the event shows that this is a campaign based on securing the best future for Scotland, for all those who live in Scotland, not for securing political power. All participating groups in the event are fighting for the principles of a fairer society, democracy, a secure economy for future generations, and just being able to make our own decisions.

All groups involved in the campaign want a Scotland in which they can have a real say and influence on how their country is governed. To not be governed by an unrepresentative parliament, built on old-world principles of greed and imperialism, both of which values transpire well into today's world. You do not have to look far to see examples of this. Both the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan were blatant resource-grab attempts by Westminster, Iraq is one of the largest oil producers in the world and Afghanistan has the 2nd largest deposits of rare earth metals on earth.

The greed demonstrated by Westminster is also extremely prevalent in our own country. Millions suffer savage welfare cuts by Westminster which leave the most vulnerable in our society worse off. Billions per year are being pumped into a failed program of 'quantitative easing', which has inflated our currency to never before seen levels, to bail-out a failed, unregulated banking sector which is the very thing which ruined our economy. All the while high-flying bankers who caused the economic disasters are receiving bonuses in the billions and corporation-tax cuts from Westminster.
All groups at the event want an end to this mismanagement. We were marching for the principle of being able to manage our own country, and shape our destiny in a way which provides a real benefit for the people of Scotland. I want to stress by 'Scotland', I do not mean just Scots. Anyone who lives in Scotland and considers it their home, I consider just as Scottish and myself. Politics and ideological differences may divide us, but we are united through principle, standing up for fairness and self-determination.